Page 2 - Newsletter - Issue 11 April 2020
P. 2

封面故事 Cover Story


        Higher Transparency, Better Efficiency

        In 2020, CASL marks our first quarter of a century, where we   being close to each other. We recognize that the current situation
        have walked through some of the most challenging times in Hong   at the aviation industry has been unprecedentedly challenging
        Kong and globally. It is time for us to embrace a newer approach   thanks to the pandemic and international travel restrictions, but
        so as to meet the needs of the future and overcome challenges   we all should work hard together at this particular time, roll up
        that  may  lie  ahead  in  our  increasingly  competitive  industry.   our  sleeves  and  bump  up  our  efficiency  as  we  brace  for  the
        Positive communication, innovation, resources management, and   headwind to walk out safely and prepare for a better future when
        improvement on a continue basis are some of the components of   we get there. Let us join hands interdepartmentally to show our
        our CASL SPIRIT. These are some of the major drives for which   clients our dedication to efficiency and transparency!
        CASL underwent renovation at our headquarters office.
        Walking  into  the  8   floor  of  our  hangar  main  office,  it  is  easy   本港及環球困難的風浪。此時中飛需要以一個新方向去面對行業
        to  find  our  brand  new  meeting  room  with  the  abundance  of   越趨激烈的競爭及未來的需要。積極溝通、不斷創新、善用資源
        natural  light  that  comes  from  the  south.  The  facility  for  every   及持續改進是中飛核心價值的其中幾環,這亦是其中幾個促成中
        department  to  use  that  was  completed  in  mid-January  2020   飛總部較早前進行裝修的動力。
        comes with a meetings-friendly touchscreen TV monitor, while
        large glass walls allow much more light to enter the main office   走進機庫八樓辦公室,你不難發現我們的新會議室,從南面而來
        than before. Research has shown that under general conditions,   充足的自然光徐徐照入。這個供各部門使用的設施於今年一月中
        the brighter a working environment is, the higher efficiency and   落成,備有方便進行會議的觸感電視屏幕,而落地玻璃則使充足
        better performance its staff is. This also echoes our new CEO’s   光線進入主辦公室。研究顯示一般情況下辦公室越光,員工的工
        management  principle  –  transparent  and  efficient  workflows   作效率及表現將越高,這與新任行政總裁的透明及高效工作流程
        among departments. Higher transparency is also reflected in a   的管理方針相映成趣。今期《中飛通訊》亦配合高透明度的原
        new layout of the CASL Spirit you are reading, which presents   則,加入更多圖片,帶給讀者全新視野,助你更了解中飛。
        to you a whole new perspective with a lot more photos for you to
        better understand our company.                        在新型肺炎爆發前進行的辦公室裝修工程還包括在原有董事會會
        The series of office renovation prior to the coronavirus outbreak   者配備視像會議鏡頭及投影機。這高透明度的空間鼓勵同事更緊
        includes adding a smaller meeting room that is next to our new   密地交流更多嶄新看法,使公司發展更上一層樓。我們明白現時
        CEO office at the previous boardroom. This additional transparent   航空業受疫情及國際旅遊限制掣肘,但我們都需要在這艱難時刻
        room, installed with a video conference camera with audio system   一同努力,提升效率以乘風破浪,好好裝備以迎接未來好景。讓
        and a new projector, encourages more exchanges of new ideas   我們各部門通力合作,向客戶展示我們高效及透明的決心!
        for finer developments at CASL in small groups with colleagues
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