Page 12 - Newsletter - Issue 11 April 2020
P. 12

Company Profile 公司資料

        Founded in 1995, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) is a
        joint venture among China National Aviation Corporation (Group)
        Limited (40%), United Airlines, Inc. (20%), China Airlines Limited
        (20%) and Gama Group (Asia) Limited (20%), providing aircraft
        line and base maintenance, cabin services and ground services
        equipment, as well as supply and storage services at Hong Kong
        International Airport.
        Apart from operating in Hong Kong, CASL and China Eastern
        Airlines established a joint venture company Shanghai Eastern
        Aircraft Maintenance Limited (SEAM) in 2002, providing aircraft
        line  maintenance  and  ground  support  equipment  services  at
        Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao   中國飛機服務有限公司(中飛公司)由中國航空(集團)有限公
        International Airport.                                司 (40%)、美國聯合航空公司 (20%)、中華航空公司 (20%) 和伽
                                                              瑪航空集團(亞洲) (20%) 合資成立。中飛公司創辦於1995年,在
        By  opening  its  aircraft  maintenance  hangar  at  Hong  Kong   備和航材及庫存等服務。
        International Airport in May 2009, CASL is capable of providing
        a  higher  level  of  aircraft  maintenance  services  to  worldwide
        airline  customers  in  both  aircraft  line  maintenance  and  heavy   除香港以外,中飛公司於2002年與中國東方航空合資成立上海東
        maintenance.                                          機場提供飛機航線維修及機坪支援設備服務。
        CASL employs around 1000 people with extensive experience
        and capabilities. We are fully committed to providing the highest   2009年5月,中飛公司位於香港國際機場的飛機維修庫正式投入
        quality  of  services  to  our  customers  by  focusing  on  technical   服務,有能力支援以香港作為基地的航空公司營運,也能為全球
        development, customer care and continuous improvement.
        Our Customers 主要客戶                                    客支援及持續進步,致力向客戶提供最優質的服務。

        Commercial Airlines 商業航空公司

        General Aviation 通用航空

        24/7 Emergency Operation Support 廿四小時緊急支援服務

        Hotline 熱線電話: (852) 2261 2261                         Email:
        Fax 傳真號碼: (852) 2261 2266                             SITA address 電報收發地址: HKGCAXH
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