Page 3 - CASL Newsletter Issue 7
P. 3


            CASL has recently been selected to become a major con-  最近,我們與空中巴士
            tributor for Airbus FHS with its new spares-pool & logis-  飛行小時服務簽訂合
            tics platform in Hong Kong. We are able to further im-
            prove our service abilities and capabilities and establish   作協議,為香港 A350
            a foundation for further cooperation with Airbus through   XWB 客機提供航材庫
            such opportunity. At present we have a total of 95 cus-  存及收發服務。藉著這
            tomers  including  airlines  and  business  aviation  compa-  次機會中飛公司進一
            As  we  stated  in  our  core  values,  CASL  emphasises  on   圍,為與空中巴士公司
            innovation  and  seeking  improvement  on  a  continuous   達成更深入的合作奠定基礎。到目前為止,我們的客戶
            basis.  We  have  invested  a  significant  amount  of  re-
            sources  in  innovative  technology  with  the  intention  of   總數已達到 95 家,包括民用航空公司及商用航空公
            improving operation efficiency and service quality, such   司。
            as  PlaneCommunication  training  system,  3D  aircraft
            parking system, GPS system for fleet management, and   正如「中飛精神」所述,我們不斷創新、持續改進。公
            daily  safety  patrol  and  statistics  system  with  internet
            technology.                                        司在創新科技方面投入了大量資源,以提高營運效率
            The  assiduous  effort  of  our  colleagues  has  embodied   通的飛機通訊學習系統,3D 飛機停泊系統,車隊管理
            every  aspect  of  CASL’s  core  value  and  maintained  the
            performance  and  equipment  safety  of  every  single  air-  的 GPS 系統以及利用網絡科技的安全巡查和統計系統
            craft.  In  order  to  help  our  frontline  staff  to  learn  and   等等。
            revise  working  standards,  we  have  launched  a  safety
            promotion  campaign  themed  “You’ve  Got  the  Key  of   同事們每日兢兢業業工作,不但體現著「中飛精神」的
            Safety”. We would like to develop an interactive learning
            system with innovative technology to amplify the inter-  各項核心價值,更是維護著每一架飛機的性能和設備
            est and efficiency of learning in the near future.   安全。為了幫助前線同事學習和重溫工作規範,我們去
            Our effort has been recognised by customers and various
            organisations.  We  adhere  to  the  beliefs  and  values  of   的安全推廣活動。不久將來我們希望利用創新科技,開
            taking up corporate social responsibilities. It is the 14th   發互動學習系統,務求令學習變得更有趣和有效率。
            consecutive  year  for  CASL  to  be  awarded  the  Caring
            Company logo. We are also honored to be granted the   中飛公司的努力不但獲得客戶的認可,亦獲得不同機
            “Manpower  Developer  Award”  by  the  Employees  Re-
            training Board as recognition of our determination and   構的肯定。我們致力實踐企業社會責任,連續第十四年
            accomplishment  on  staff  training  and  development.  In   獲得了「商界展關懷」嘉許標誌;榮獲僱員再培訓局
            the  ecofriendly  aspect,  CASL  has  been  awarded   「人才企業」認可;環保方面,獲得了香港綠色機構認
            “Wastewi$e Certificate” from Hong Kong Green Organi-
            sation  Certification  Programme  and  “EcoPartner”  in   證之「卓越級別減廢證書」以及中銀香港企業環保領先
            BOCHK  Corporate  Environmental  Leadership  Scheme.  I   大獎之「環保傑出夥伴」獎項。我期待與各位同事一齊
            look forward to working with our fellow colleagues for   努力,令中飛公司業務繼續蒸蒸日上。
            prosperity of CASL.

            Dr Angus Cheung                                    中國飛機服務有限公司

            Chief Executive Officer                            行政總裁
            China Aircraft Services Limited                    張謙華博士

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