Company Updates


First Attempt at the 24hour Charity Pedal Kart Grand Prix The CASL Pedal Kart Team participated in the Hong Kong 24hour Charity Pedal Kart Grand Prix on 4-5 November and finished the race with collective efforts.
Gears up for the Charity Pedal Kart Grand Prix The CASL Pedal Kart Team, formed by over 50 staff, is going to participate in the Hong Kong 24hour Charity Pedal Kart Grand Prix on 4-5 November. The training and preparation work is in full swing. On 24 October, a kick-off ceremony was held and Dr Angus Cheung, CEO of CASL, hosted the team flag hand-over ceremony. Dr Cheung thanked the hard work of the team in the past few months and wished them good luck at the competition.
Voluntary Service in Tung Chung Family Walk CASL supports the community by collaborating with charity organisations and participating in community events. On 14 October, 6 CASL staff joined the "Tung Chung Family Walk 2017" as volunteers, organised by H.K.S.K.H. Tung Chung Integrated Services. They assisted the participants at one of the checkpoints. Staff felt happy and worthy to serve the community and promote the healthy lifestyle.
"Good MPF Employer Award" Recognition CASL complies with MPF-related legal obligations under the law, protects employees’ interests and also provides attractive retirement benefits for our staff. CASL was presented "Good MPF Employer Award", "E-Contribution Award" and "Support for MPF Management Award" under the Good MPF Employer Award 2016-17.
Improving Safety with Technology Co-organised by CASL and Department of Electrical Engineering (PolyU) and sponsored by CASL, the "Competition of Computer Vision in Pre Flight Walk-around Check" aims at encouraging students using new technology to improve daily operations of aircraft maintenance industry and the aviation safety.