

Thank Your Cleaner Day 2020

It’s Thank Your Cleaner Day today! Not only do we have office cleaners at our hangar headquarters, we are proud to have hundreds of frontline cabin cleaners who take good care of aircraft cabins before and after each flight. Especially in the current pandemic, our dedicated cabin cleaners play an indispensable role in ensuring cabin cleanliness and safety - they are truly unsung heroes in every flight operation!

Apart from cabin cleaning, cabin grooming, aircraft exterior wash and deep cleaning services, CASL’s Cabin Services (CS) department also take care of cabin provisioning such as airline magazines and amenitykits. Members of our CS team also look out for passengers’ left behind items and even onboard suspicious items. Today, we take the opportunity to thank each and every of our cleaners who help maintain high quality cabin conditions for our airlines partners and passengers!

Get to know more about cabin cleaners:
