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CASL Exhibits at Zhuhai Airshow 2014

Under the banner of Hong Kong Pavilion, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) participated in the 10th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition which was held in Zhuhai from 11 to 16 November 2014. This Airshow is one of the largest Airshows in the Asia Pacific region and is being held in Zhuhai every two years since 1996.

 This Airshow attracted worldwide reputed aircraft and components manufacturers, airline companies, research institutions, in-flight product suppliers and training organizations etc. The exhibition was crowded with visitors and lots of business deals were concluded during the Airshow period. CASL also took this chance to meet and explore further business opportunities with both existing and potential business partners.

CASL exhibited at Zhuhai Airshow 2014.

Air Macau Chairman, Mr. Zheng Yan (second left) and VP-Engineering, Mr. Li Jian Jun (first right) visited CASL’s booth.
