Page 3 - CASL Newsletter Issue 10
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            W  elcome to the August 2018 issue of CASL Spirit.
            In the year of 2017, CASL is proud to have handled more
            than  71,000  flights  and  a  total  of  over  900,000  flights
            since our service commencement. We are confident of
            seeing our first millionth handled flight in 2019.

            These  milestones  cannot  be  achieved  without  the
            dedication  of  CASL’s  colleagues.  Therefore,  a  major
            section  of  this  issue  is  designated  to  cover  the  untold
            roles  of  the  Ground  Service  Equipment  Department.
            I  hope  you  will  have  a  wider  picture  of  how  our             歡  迎閱覽 2018 年 8 月號《中飛通訊》,在 2017 年,
            colleagues work to ensure safe and smooth turnaround   中飛公司處理超過 71,000 架次航班,自開展業務起
            of flights.                                           計,累積數字已超過 900,000 架次,我們有信心中飛公
                                                                  司將於 2019 年實現處理第一百萬架次航班的里程碑。
            CASL has made a great deal of progress in 2018. First,
            we  are  pleased  to  welcome  our  new  shareholder—  能夠完成這些成就,所有中飛同事都功不可沒,因此,
            Gama  Aviation  whose  participation  has  brought  us     本期將為大家介紹低調而樸實的機坪設備服務部,希
            towards an expanded service scope.  As our endeavours   望大家進一步了解中飛同事如何努力確保航班安全
            to  innovation  continue,  this  issue  also  highlights  our   及正常運轉。
            adoption  of  the  latest  technologies  to  enhance  our
            service quality on one hand and streamline the opera-  中飛公司於 2018 年繼續邁步向前,  我們很高興歡迎
            tion on the other.
                                                                  新股東伽瑪航空加入, 讓公司進一步擴展飛機維修業
            Talent  development  is  the  key  to  CASL’s  sustainable   務。另一方面,中飛公司亦利用各項最新技術發展不
            growth.  With  the  fourth  generation  of  Engineering   同的系統和平台,藉此提升服務質素和運作效率。
            Trainees  arriving  this  March,  we  hope  they  will  be
            nurtured  to  take  up  more  responsibilities  and  fly  to  a     人才培訓是中飛公司長遠發展的關鍵,隨著第四屆工
            higher horizon with us.                               程培訓生於 3 月加入,我們期望他們未來能承擔更重
            CASL  is  committed  to  the  work-life  balance  of  our
            colleagues.  Among  the  activities  available  for               我們對於同事的工作生活平衡同樣重視,在各個員工
            colleagues, the Pedal Kart Team has been ready to push   活動當中,  中飛腳踏車隊將於本年再度挑戰更佳成
            their limits. We earnestly call for your support this year.    績,我誠邀各同事繼續支持。

            Wishing everyone a lovely summer!                     祝各位享受悠悠仲夏!

            Dr Angus Cheung
            Chief Executive Officer
            China Aircraft Services Limited

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