Page 4 - CASL Newsletter Issue 9
P. 4


             Unsung Heroes from Cabin Services Team


            In addition to providing cabin cleaning, cabin grooming   中飛公司的機艙服務部除了為過境、轉機和過夜飛機
            and  deep  clean  services  for  transit,  turnaround  and   提供機艙清潔、 機艙整理和深度清潔服務外, 還會處
            overnight flights, CASL’s Cabin Services Department (CS)
            also handles cabin provisioning and inventory manage-  理機艙物料供應及倉存管理、乘客遺留物品管理及監
            ment, passenger left-behind item control and monitor-  控, 飛機外部清洗、 打蠟及拋光服務也屬於機艙服務
            ing.  Aircraft  exterior  cleaning,  waxing  and  brightening
            are also part of the work of CS colleagues.        部的工作範疇。

            CS  Team  provides  professional  services  to  nearly  200
            flights a day to keep every aircraft clean and comforta-  機艙服務團隊每日為接近 200 班飛機提供專業服務,
            ble,  which  can  be  regarded  as  unsung  heroes  behind   以保持每班航機的整潔和舒適,可算是飛機的幕後英
            the aircraft. Today, we would like to introduce two of   雄。今天,我們就來認識一下其中兩位機艙服務部同

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